Monday 27 October 2008


As I have written before, Parish Choir (Koor Paroki) got praise from our bishop Mgr Michael Cosmas Angkur on Thursday 23 October 2008. Some church figures also said that our Parish Choir had done the great thing. In this case, praise and glory belong to God. We accepted the praise on behalf of God and returned it to him because without him, we could not do anything.

Here I would like to write about some criticisms and mockery which Parish Choir has got. I did not hear most of them directly as most people have been reluctant to tell me the truth. However, some friends and “some spirits with their sixth or seventh senses” helped me to hear them.

Well, I have been familiar with some people coming to me and saying, “Wah, Pak, koornya bagus… nyanyinya luar biasa…” Deep in my heart I always say, “God, if it were true, such things belonged to you.” The fact is I never trust them 100%. I know that sometimes some of them are honest, but sometimes some of them are complete liars or hypocrite: they do not any courage to tell me that my choir or the way I conduct the choir is bad or far from their expectation.

Well, I would rather they tell the truth… To some people who try to give me good and constructive criticism, I will accept it without doubt although the criticism sometimes sounds harsh and rude. Sometimes, however, some critics are just people who do not want to see the objectivity. They criticize us not because they want to help us to be better but they just show their dislike against us. In short, they do not criticize; they mock us. To my surprise, the latter is the common comment that I often hear.

In line with our Parish Choir, I have heard some comments given by some people, including some pastors and conductors, who are competent people, or at least consider they are competent, and some others who are not competent at all. Some criticisms sound silly, while others sound harsh: 1. Nyanyinya kok njerit-njerit? 2. Nyanyinya kok tidak pakai perasaan, tidak ada ekspresi. 3. Dirigen tidak ada ekspresinya. 4. Suara koornya kurang padu, ada suara yang lebih menonjol daripada yang lain. 5. Suara sopran (it seems like the personnel of sopranos) sepertinya kurang.

It is up to all Parish Choir members and conductors to evaluate the comments and criticism. There is no use to find out who said this and that. However, let us find the essence of their criticism. I write some outlines below.

First, it is easer to give comments than to do it. For example, Indonesia has a lot of football observers and commentators, but they just talk (NATO = No Action, Talk Only). It is impossible to ask them to go to the field and score a goal. Meanwhile, there are a lot of economy observers and commentators, but they just talk… and they have different views which they claim to be the best. No wonder that one critic said, “When economists get together, there is no solution.” In choir cases, some people also talk and talk and talk … and criticize … but that is what they can only do. They do not give contribution or do not want to participate. Where were they when we needed them? Would their comments make the past events better? Will they be willing to bear the burden that we have carried so far? No! NATO!

Second, many choir critics do not understand the process. They expect the results only. They forget that there is a long and difficult phase that a choir has to go through. When they criticize, they also forget that they might have got similar experiences in the past or in other time. Despite their shortcoming in their past, they feel that they are better that the choir they talk about.

With the two outlines above, I want to say that criticism and bad comments are common things. Listen to the criticism or comments and still be cool and calm. Do not panic or get stressed because the comments can be good ones, true and constructive things, but they can also be nonsense, meaningless sentences, just a form of hostile expression, or an expression of their incompetence. Accept all comments as they will make your love to Jesus even stronger.

The other lesson is that when you criticize or give comments to other choirs say the constructive things only, never try to hurt other choirs and their existence. Instead of talking about them, why don’t you join them and help them to be better? Being one of them for a long time will reduce your superiority complex.

Viva Parish Choir. Viva Exultate.



Finally the long-waited moment arrived: Father Benjamin Sudarto celebrated his silver anniversary of ordination and our beloved bishop Mgr Michael Cosmas Angkur OFM celebrated his 14 anniversary as bishop of Bogor. The celebration took place on Thursday, 23 October 2008 at the Cathedral BMV.

Again… the Parish Choir (Koor Paroki) accompanied the celebration. Again… we sang Mozart’s Spatzen Messe (Missa Brevis). The Eucharist ran smoothly as everything had been well prepared. The choir was also all right despite some shortcoming. I felt that when we sang ‘Gloria”, the tempo was not allegro anymore but andante. The good thing was that the Sopranos could sing Sanctus better than they did on 19 October. As the number of the congregation was far from what we thought, we only sang one song, which is “Santapan Peziarah”, for the Holy Communion. There was a little confusion when some choir members wanted to sing Veni, Veni, Sancte Spriritus for the Holy Communion song. For most of us, the idea was not accepted as it had not been prepared before. We hope that next time there will not be such confusion.

After the mass, Mgr Michael Cosmas Angkur met and talked to me. This is what he said, “Selamat, ya. Ini tadi bagus sekali. Teruskan latihan-latihan kalian. Nanti tanggal 13 November, kalian nyanyikan lagi lagu-lagu ordinarium tadi di depan uskup-uskup seluruh Indonesia ya. Tunjukkan pada para uskup bahwa kalian bisa. Apalagi banyak paroki yang tidak bersedia menerima para uskup. Ayo, kalian bisa. Tunjukkan pada mereka.” I was so taken aback that I could not say anything. If I am not mistaken, the bishop also talked to Pak Marhadi about the same thing.

What I am still confused about is that Sie Liturgi Paroki had been asked by Father Boli Ujan from Komisi Liturgi KWI to send him the song list. Father Boli said that the songs had to be ordinary songs which could be sung by everyone. Pak Agus Muhardi and I had sent him the song list, and the songs did not include Misa Brevis. I hope that the songs will still be able to be adjusted.

After the mass, everybody joined the anniversary party at Gedung Paroki (2nd floor). Happy anniversary Father Ben. Happy Anniversary Monsignor Michael. Ad multos annos.

Thursday 23 October 2008


at 11.00-13.45
at Bogor BMV Cathedral

Exultate took part in Parish Choir in the holy Eucharist of the Sacrament of Confirmation (Misa Penerimaan Sakramen Krisma) given by the bishop of Bogor Mgr Michael Cosmas Angkur OFM to around 330 people. I took turn with Bapak T. Marhadi as conductor. For easy songs (which I had chosen), I directed the choir. For difficult songs such as Spatzen Messe and Veni Sancte Spiritus, Pak Marhadi directed the choir. We had prepared a lot of songs but it turned out to be not enough. Luckily Bapak Marhadi could find some alternative songs taken from Madah Bakti and Puji Syukur. Thanks God that Mas Markus Herli was always ready to sing solo.

The Eucharist ran well despite some noise made by the young people who were waiting for their turn to get the sacrament confirmation. Mgr Michael C. Angkur OFM urged the congregation to be ready to accept the Holy Spirit, the same Holy Spirit that the bishop had ever been given to. The bishop also reminded every one that after they accepted the Holy Spirit, they had to be like Jesus’ disciples: be brave in spreading the good news (evangelization). Father Benyamin Sudarto hoped that all Catholic congregation members would be willing to take part in church’s services in their Catholic neighbourhood and in the parish.

The choir got some praise from the congregation despite some shortcoming. I noticed that Exultate sopranos took the lead and became motor for their soprano friends. Mbak Rina, Mbak Ika and Ibu Hoesodo, who usually sing alto in Exultate, became pioneers for sopranos together with Maxi and Sheila. They sat in the front row. A little “chaos” happened when we sang Sanctus… I noticed that the sopranos were not ready so that they did not sing the first words of the song properly. I know they were very disappointed about it. Anyway, they can still improve it next time.

Well, for most of us, singing together with others in our Parish Choir gave us some surprises, adventures, excitement and satisfaction. We were very happy to be able to learn and sing difficult songs… at last… the songs that we had longed to sing. It is true what Bapak Marhadi said that when you could sing difficult songs, there would be pride and joy... far from being arrogant. There are still challenges to come… and Exultate will go through them.

Thanks Pak Marhadi. Thanks Mbak Myrna. Viva Cathedral Parish Choir! Viva Exultate!

Monday 20 October 2008


For the last few years, Exultate members have been involved in parish choir activities. Most members have joined the parish choir. When Bogor BMV Cathedral Parish Choir (BBPC) started with “Koor Gabungan” in 1990s, Exultate sent about one-third of its members. The members who took part in those activities thought that it was the right time to learn from other choirs. Exultate members did not care who would be the trainer, the choir master, the organist, the coordinator, etc. For them, the most important thing was how to learn from other people, especially from choir experts in the Cathedral such as Ibu Julia Sentosa Turangan and Bapak Tarcisius Marhadi.

The involvement continued in the early 2000s. Even in 2002, I was appointed to be “Koor Gabungan” (joint choir) choir master on the closing of 2002 Bogor Diocese Synod (21-25 October 2002). For Exultate and me, it was an honour.. despite my confusion. It was still not very clear why Pak Thomas Sunarno, who was responsible for choir assignment schedules, chose me to be the choir master, helping Pak Frans Tjakra and Ibu Maria Djafar. In that awkward situation, our commitment was still the same: we serve God… in his church.

On 13 December 2007, there was Choir Competition (Lomba Koor antar Paroki se-Keuskupan Bogor) in Bogor BMV Cathedral. To prepare it, from July to December 2007, “Sie Liturgi Paroki Katedral” gathered about 30 people to practice for the competition. Every Sunday, we practiced, with Pak T. Marhadi as our trainer. Again, I was asked to be the conductor. As the support from most choir conductors in the Cathedral Parish was minimum and the members’ commitment was not strong, practices were usually attended by a few people.

One thing that I could be proud of at that time was that Exultate members committed to take part. Eventually, Paroki Katedral Choir lost… just got “Juara Harapan II”.. worse than Cibinong Parish choir (which I had ever seen before when I became a jury in their internal parish choir festival). For some people, it was very embarrassing. For me, the process was stressful… but I learnt a lot from this.

Then, there was a new idea from Bapak Tarcisius Marhadi of establishing a fixed and more organized parish choir. He shared his idea with me about establishing a big choir whose members come from best singers and conductors of all choir groups in Bogor Cathedral. I gave full support to him. It was a great idea. However, Pak Marhadi also got some opposition from a few choir figures. Some figures felt that the establishment of parish choir would “kill” the existence of the incumbent choir groups. They suggested that parish choir as another group was unnecessary.

As “Seksi Liturgi” also had a programme of having a parish choir as a means of guidance, the idea got full support from Pak Agus Muhardi, Pak Adrianus Wijaya and Rm. Ben Sudarto. For me and Exultate, the support from those three church figures was enough and meaningful.

In reality, however, the application of the idea was not easy. From about 25 choirs in Bogor, only a few choir masters or trainers join it. Since June 2008 the regular practices started. For the first two months, the choir practices were held every other weeks on Sunday at SMP Budi Mulia (without organ). Because some people complained that Sunday afternoon was a very busy day for several activities, the practices were then moved to Saturday evening at 20.00-21.30 to Cathedral BMV. In this case, Exultate has to sacrifice its valuable time. For the better glory of God, Exultate changed the practice hour from 19.00-21.00 to 18.45-20.00. I thank my friends at Exultate as they are willing to support me and Koor Paroki. Some members showed commitment to join Koor Paroki: Maxi, mBak Andang, Ibu Hoesodo, mBak Ika, Sheila, Mbak Lia, mBak Evie, Ibu Heri, Mas Gago, Pak Simon, and Mas Josep. Some others want to join but I can understand that they still have difficulty in managing their time: Pak Ludo, Ibu Sianturi, and mBak Ambar; they have sometimes attended several practices.

The first assignment was for Misa Penerimaan Sakramen Krisma on Sunday, 19 October 2008. Koor Paroki under guidance and training by Bapak T. Marhadi prepared a lot of songs. Among them, the difficult songs include: Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei from Spatzen Messe as well as Veni Sancte Spiritus by W.A. Mozart. Those songs really challenged us. All Exultate members thank God that there was a chance to learn it from an expert (Bapak Marhadi). Some of us even told me… and I agree with them, that it was stupid that many choir masters do not want to join parish choir, and that we were luck to join it. How about the result of a 4 month-practice? Well, you can see it in another posting.

Friday 10 October 2008


There has been a long debate over which one is better: Puji Syukur or Madah Bakti. Some people say that Puji Syukur is better, while other people suggest Madah Bakti be much much better. Here I would like to outline that both of them are just excellent.

Some people who say that Puji Syukur is better might argue that Puji Syukur is the official prayer book promulgated by Indonesian Bishop Conference (KWI) and thus has got a stronger position. If you look inside the book, your will find that it is designed in order: the prayers, the songs, the indexes, etc. Despite some shortcoming such as misprinting and some improper Indonesian structure, Puji Syukur is good. Somehow, it was launched and promulgated after a very long process since the publication of Madah Bakti as the “experimental” book.

Negative perspectives say that Puji Syukur lack of innovation; it is “dry”; the songs are made so “stiff” that they do not sound all right in the people’s ears. They say that Puji Syukur pay more attention to the words, not to the melodies. Some negative people even claim that Puji Syukur is released for business purposes; it means that “money talks” here.

Some other people insist that Madah Bakti is better because the songs sound better, the song arrangements are enjoyable, the choices of words used in the songs are more poetic, etc. There is one strong impression from their comments: Madah Bakti songs are better than Puji Syukur’s songs.

For me as a choir member and as a Catholic, both books are excellent. Yes, Madah Bakti is good, and it is not a secret that the book has been widely used across Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke. Pusat Musik Liturgi (PML) in Yogyakarta has made it excellent and enjoyable. People behind the book and the songs, i.e. Father Karl Edmund Prier SJ and Bapak Paul Widyawan, are the pioneers and ardent figures of Madah Bakti and their expertise has been widely recognized not only in Indonesia but also in the whole Catholic church.

Madah Bakti has recently been updated (especially since the publication of Madah Bakti 2000) and more ethnic songs have been added to it. PML not only updated the songs but also the prayers. It seems that PML wanted to follow Puji Syukur to make the accountability and authority of the song writers respected. For me it is a good step. However, I have got a feeling that putting more ethnic songs to the book also creates problems, especially to people who do not come from the same ethnic groups. How to make the Catholic congregation love new songs that come from other ethnic groups? This is a challenge for Seksi Liturgi in all parishes and dioceses which use Madah Bakti as their official prayer book.

On the other hand, as Puji Syukur has been declared as the official prayer book, the decision must be accepted. I do not know why KWI did not just choose Madah Bakti as the official book. I think they have several reasons such as the fact that Madah Bakti was just a temporary and experimental book before the official book was made. KWI also wanted to make the songs simple so that everyone can use it, even we can use it together with some Protestants; this is in line with the process of ecumenism and interfaith dialogues. In Puji Syukur there are some songs which are also used by Protestant churches. The shortage is probably the unavailability of the music workshop by Komlit KWI. Unlike PML which has a lot of activities such as Lokakarya Komposisi, Kursus Dirigen, Kursus Organis, KOGJJ, etc. and works together with Vocalista Sonora to perform the songs, Komlit KWI might not have a settled workshop which can make some innovations to the music. Well, it is homework for Komlit KWI.

The problem in Bogor Cathedral Parish is that the discourse and the debate over both books sometimes go crazy with one person argue wrongly to convince others. For example, after the song Bapa Kami (PS. 404 or MB 142) the embolisme should read “Sebab Engkaulah Raja….” I have ever been told by a choir figure in Cathedral that the words in Madah Bakti was “Sebab Tuhanlah Raja…” with certain music notes. Well, the person was 100% wrong… because in Madah Bakti the words also say “Sebab Engkaulah Raja…” and the music tone is exactly the same as those in Puji Syukur.

I myself love both Madah Bakti and Puji Syukur. They are the masterpieces of Indonesian Catholic musicians and people. However, for a manual in Bogor Cathedral I will always use Puji Syukur as it is the official book. I will use Madah Bakti when I find that some proper songs and prayers cannot be found in Puji Syukur. Madah Bakti or Puji Syukur is not a matter of songs and prayers only, but it is a matter of our relationship with God under the guidance of the Catholic Church. The most important is that we are consistent and correct in praying and singing and does not become a handicap or “scandalon” (=batu sandungan) for the whole Catholic congregation.

Thomas A. Sutadi

Thursday 9 October 2008


We invite you to join Exultate Choir.

Yes, we need new people to join us.

If you are a Catholic living around the Parish of BMV Bogor Cathedral, who loves singing and can sing, willing to practise regularly and willing to sing in masses and other liturgical services, you can join us.

We need more tenor and bass voices; we need some junior organists, psalm singers and conductors.

You need not feel afraid or worried as Exultate is a big family. Come and join us.