Wednesday, 21 January 2009


Sunday, 18 January 2008 at 13.00 in the Cathedral.

Theresia Cynthia Rozyanda Asi, daughter of Ibu Francisca Elias (drg Cisca) and Bapak Eka, married FX. Rodo Tua Hasiholan Sitohang, son of Bapak and Ibu D. Sitohang.

The liturgy of Sacrament and the Eucharist were led by Father Thomas Slamet Riyadi from Ciluar Parish. The church was almost full of family members and their friends and colleagues. Exultate joined the happines by singing the liturgical songs...

The mass was preceeded by a song “Rahmat Kasih Perkawinan” (MB 1001). To accompany the bride and the groom when they entered the church, Sheila played the instrument “The Wedding”. For the offering procession, there was a Batak traditional musical instrument prepared by Rodo’s family.

In general the mass ran smoothly... and the songs were sung well... except when Father Thomas sang the doxology ... he sang differently from the common musical note... and this created confusion to everyone when we sang “Amen..."

The biggest surprise came from Father Thomas when he sang “From This Moment” during the signing of the church documents. His voice was terrific... and the way he sang was excellent.

We found that the liturgical service was a solemn... merry... happy one... It was a really happy moment...

For Exultate, the most unforgettable thing is the choir uniform... The new uniform we were wearing during the mass were given by Ibu Cisca... Thank you very much, doctor Cisca. Congratulations to Cynthia, Rodo, Ibu Cisca, Pak Eka and all their family members.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009


Natalia Widiasari, one of our soprano members and wife of Mas Domi, gave birth to a baby girl, who was then given a name Angela Kiana Aninditha on 4 January 2009 at 23:49. The new-born cute “angel” baby weighed 3.2kg and was 49cm long. Congratulations to Mbak Nat and Mas Domi.


11 Januay 2009 at 7.00, Cathedral BMV

1. Pembuka:PS. 591 T'lah Kutemukan Dasar Kuat
2. Kyrie:PS. 342 Kyrie (de Angelis)
3. Gloria:PS. 343 Gloria (de Angelis)
4. Mazmur Tanggapan: PS. 864 Tuhan, Dikaulah Sumber Air Hidup
5. Bait Pengantar Injil: PS. 961 Alleluya
6. Persembahan 1: PS. 424 Tuhan, Engkau Mencipta
7. Sanctus: PS. 387 Sanctus (de Angelis)
8. Anamnesis: TPE
9. Pater Noster: TPE
10. Pemecahan Roti: PS. 408 Agnus Dei (de Angelis)
11. Komuni 1: PS. 475 Wahai Sion, Nyanyilah
12. Komuni 2: PS. 425 Laksana Rusa
13. Madah Syukur: PS. 592 Syukur kepada-Mu, Tuhan
14. Penutup: PS. 594 Puji Syukur Bagi Tuhan

Sunday, 18 January2009 at 13.00, Cathedral BMV
Theresia Cynthia Rozyandra & F.X. Rodotua Hasiholan

0. Persiapan: MB. 1001 Rahmat Kasih Perkawinan
1. Perarakan/Pembuka: W.H. 1 Wedding Hymn/GF.Handel/Ar.P.Widyawan (instrumental)
2. Kyrie: teks "Kyrie Eleison"/JA. Korman
3. Mazmur Tanggapan
4. Bait Pengantar Injil Alleluya
5. Doa restu/sungkem: teks "Berkatilah"
6. Persembahan: instrumental/Batak
7. Santus: teks "Sanctus"/JA. Korman
8. Pater noster: PS. 404 Bapa Kami (Gregorian)
9. Agnus Dei: teks "Agnus Dei"/JA Korman
10. Komuni: teks "Ave Verum"/W.A. Mozart
11. Madah Syukur: teks "Ubi Caritas"/Taize (fakultatif)
12. Ave Maria: teks "Ave Maria" / H. Cuypers
13. Tanda Tangan: teks "Caro Mio Ben"
14. Penutup/Perutusan: MB. 71 "Semoga Dikau Bahagia"

25 January 2009 at 7.00, Cathedral BMV

1. Persiapan: -
2. Pembuka: PS. 329 Ya Tuhan, Pandang Hamba-Mu
3. Kyrie: PS. 342 Kyrie (de Angelis)
4. Gloria: PS. 343 Gloria (de Angelis)
5. Mazmur Tanggapan: PS. 845 Tuhan Adalah Kasih Setia
6. Bait Pengantar Injil: PS. 962 Alleluya
7. Persembahan 1: PS. 690 Pada-Mu, Tuhan dan Allahku
8. Persembahan 2: -
9. Sanctus: PS. 387 Sanctus (de Angelis)
10. Anamnesis: TPE
11. Pater Noster: TPE
12. Pemecahan Roti: PS. 408 Agnus Dei (de Angelis)
13. Persiapan Komuni: teks "Choral" / Jesus Joy of Men's Desiring (instrumental)
14. Komuni 1: PS. 656 Tuhan Allah Gembalaku (arr. A.Soetanta SJ)
15. Komuni 2: PS. 425 Laksana Rusa
16. Madah Syukur: PS. 603 Curahkan Rahmat
17. Penutup: PS. 601 Kasihanilah Umat-Mu, Tuhan

Friday, 2 January 2009


Exultate started 2009 by singing during the mass held on Thursday, 1 January 2009 at 8.00 at the Cathedral. It was a holy mass for St Mary Mother of God. Mbak Rina and Pak Ludo led the assignment.

The next assignments will be on Sunday, 11 January 2009, at 7.00 at the Cathedral (Feast of the Baptism of the Lord). Then on Sunday, 18 January 2009 at 13.00, Exultate has to sing at the holy matrimony Eucharist at the Cathedral (for Cynthia –dr Cysca’s daughter-- and Rodo). The last assignment in January 2009 will be on Sunday 25 January 2009 at 7.00 at the Cathedral (Ordinary Sunday III). So, there are 4 assignments altogether in January 2009.

We hope that Exultate will be able to serve well in 2009. We also hope to have more members to join... Viva Exultate.


Exultate did not get a special assignment for Christmas celebrations in 2008 as most members took part in BMV Parish Choir for the assignment on 24 December 2008. Still, Exultate had to sing on 31 December 2008 at 18.00 at the Cathedral. To Exultate’s surprise, the year-end Eucharist was led by Bogor Bishop Mgr Michael Cosmas Angkur OFM and BMV parish pastors including the Vicaris General and Parish Pastor RD. Benyamin Sudarto, and other pastors such as RD. Monang Damanik, RD. D.S. Tukiyo, RD. Alfons Sebatu and RD. Frans Mulyadi. Mbak Rina became our condutor and Pak Ludo sang the psalm. At first we thought that there would be a few Exultate members who could sing in the Eucharist, but it turned out that more members joined as they had finished their year-end holidays. The church was full, even many people had to sit outside. The weather outside was good... We closed 2008 with cheerful heart and great hope for the best in 2009.


On Wednesday, 24 December 2008, at 17.00-19.00, Exultate took part in the assignment of BMV Parish Choir for the Chrismas Eve Eucharist at the Cathedral. The Eucharist was led by Bogor Bishop Mgr Michael Cosmas Angkur OFM. As usual the choir was led by Pak Marhadi and me. The organist was Mbak Myrna. The proclamation (Maklumat) and the Psalm were sung by Mas Markus. For the ordinarium, Misa Brevis was still used. The Eucharist ran well... Merry Christmas...
Better late than never...
I would like to wish you all,
Exultate members and your family,
and Exultate’s blog readers,
a Merry Christmas 2008
a Happy New Year 2009.

May Jesus always live in you and among us...
to guide, bless and accompany you everytime and everywhere...