Sunday 18 January 2015


 On Saturday 17 January 2015 Exultate choir held a gathering to celebrate Christmas and New Year. It is too late actually, but the most important thing is that most members could gather. The program was held in a classroom at SMP Budi Mulia Bogor from 17.00 to 19.00 and later continued with a singing practice to prepare the assignment on Sunday 18 January. 

The celebration was attended by most members; some members were absent because they were having other important activities. During the informal meeting, Mas Albert Suryatmanto and mBak Susanti joined; they are our long-time members but cannot always join because they have already moved to another parish (St Yohanes Baptista Parung Parish). Some new members also joined and this made the gathering merrier. 

The main acitivites were sharing stories and having dinner. Mas Albert told us the history of Exultate that was established informally in 1993 (so, Exultate has been 22 years old). Pak Simon (our commander in chief now) talked about commitments that everyone should posses as members of Exultate. Pak Thomas, who was conductor from 1999 to 2012) talked about Exultate choir's roles in BMV Bogor Cathedral.

We hope that Exultate will always exist in Bogor to serve in Eucharists and other spiritual activities.