Friday 27 February 2009


From Wednesday 25 February to 11 April 2009 Catholics join pre-Easter religious activities. We started the Lent… moment to do fasting and abstaining

Fasting on Wednesday 25 February and Friday 10 April means that you only eat full once a day… much lighter than other religious followers’ fasting. Abstaining means you avoid certain things that you most love or often do… they could be food, spices, meat, cigarettes, beer, snacks, being angry easily, being lazy, etc.

There are three things suggested we do during pre-Easter period:
a. Praying
b. Alms giving
c. Fasting and Abstaining

The money that we do not use to buy food and other things we are abstain from can be given for charity… give it through APP envelopes that our Catholic neighbourhood head gives to us.

I attended Ash Wednesday Eucharist on Wednesday 25 February at 19.30 at the Cathedral. The Eucharist was led by Father Alfons Sebatu, Father Sutanto and Father Tri Harjono. Father Alfons said in his sermon that Lent is like the moment when we take our car to the garage to check the engine and other parts… it is like a moment when you go to the doctor regularly to have your health checked up… It is a moment to sharpen our heart… to check and clean our soul… to fix things inside our life… so that we can continue our journey…

St Caecilia Choir sang Eucharist songs … Pak Marhadi and Mbak Myrna performed so well that all choir members could sing beautifully… I hope Exultate can also perform well like that… in the future…

Happy fasting and abstaining… Prepare yourself for Easter.

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