Sunday 15 November 2009

There are some notes for your perusal:

1. Exultate completed its 8-November assignment. The next tasks will be for:
Saturday 5 December (matrimony),
31 December (New Year's Eve)
and 1 January 2010 (New Year).

2. On Sunday 8 November I joined Liturgy Meeting at BM School. The meeting was led by Pak M. Agus Muhardi, chairman of Liturgy Section at BMV Cathedral Parish. There were some items that I can reveal here.

in 2010 BMV Cathedral Parish will have 3 main programmes that will be applied together and integratedly. The three main programmes are: a. Rekatekisasi (recatechisation), b. Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat (Congregation ecomony empowerment), and c. Pendidikan Nilai (Living Value Education).

in 2010 Pak Sangku Darma will lead Liturgy Section. Working programmes are going to be made thoroughly soon.

All sub-sections must take part in the three main programmes of 2010.

Exultate is now preparing its annual gathering. We are going to gather on Sunday 13 December. We will discuss about our existence and assignments. We will also share ideas and opinions. As usual, Exultate will also invite the family members of Exultate to join.

(Thomas A. Sutadi)

Friday 6 November 2009


MINGGU BIASA XXXII / Th. B / Aklamasi Cara 2
Minggu Kliwon, 8 November 2009 Pk. 9.00 di Gereja St Ignatius Loyola Semplak

No. Urutan Lagu. Nomor Lagu. Judul Lagu. Keterangan

1 Pembuka: PS. 321 Wahai Umat
2 Kyrie: PS. 353 Tuhan, kasihanilah kami / Misa Kita IV
3 Gloria: PS. 354 Kemuliaan / Misa Kita IV
4 Mazmur Tanggapan: PS. 863 Pujilah Tuhan
5 Bait Pengantar Injil: PS. 957 Alleluya
6 Persembahan: PS. 381 Semoga Roti Anggur
7 Sanctus: PS. 393 Kudus / Misa Kita IV
8 Anamnesis: TPE Marilah mewartakan misteri iman
9 Pater Noster: PS. 404 Bapa Kami
10 Pemecahan Roti: PS. 414 Anakdomba Allah / Misa Kita IV
11 Komuni 1: teks Jiwa Kristus
12 Komuni 2: teks Their Sound is Gone Out …
13 Komuni 3: PS. 431 Siapa yang Makan Tubuh-Ku
14 Madah Syukur: PS. 656 Tuhan Allah, Gembalaku
15 Penutup: PS. 700 Hai, Bangkit bagi Yesus

Monday 26 October 2009


Yesterday, Sunday 25 October 2009 at 7.00, Exultate sang in the Eucharist led by Father Nikasius Jatmiko. Mbak Rina conducted us to sing, and Maxi sang the Responsorial Psalm. Some songs that we sang include: PS 549 Hai Dunia Buka Pintumu, PS 544 O Yesus Kristus Sang Terang, Jiwa Kristus (Onggo Lukito), Their Sound is Gone Out (GF Handel) and others. We still need to learn more to sing better. The next assignment will be on Sunday 8 November 2009 at St Ignatius Church in Semplak and Saturday 5 December 2009 at 11.00 in the Cathedral.

Monday 19 October 2009


Yesterday, Sunday 18 October 2009, Exultate joined BMV Choir to sing for the holy Eucharist led by the bishop of Bogor Mgr Michael Cosmas Angkur OFM. During the mass, 329 people received their Sacrament of Confirmation. The mass started at 11.00 and finished at 13.30.

BMV choir was conducted by Bapak Tarcisius Marhadi and was accompanied by Mbak Myrna Mihardja with her organ. During the long mass, BMV Choir sang more than 15 songs... Most songs were polyphony songs... However, Pak Marhadi gave more "accent" on the gregorian chants... We sang De Angelis Ordinarium, Veni Sancte Spiritus (gregorian and Mozart), Veni Creator Spiritus, Pater Noster, etc.

For Exultate, the assignment was good, at least Exultate could learn more difficult songs...

Tuesday 29 September 2009


EXULTATE will have to serve in the Cathedral on Sunday 25 October 2009 at 7.00. Mbak Rina will conduct the assignment. So far there have been some new songs practised... We hope that the task will be done well.

Besides, EXULTATE will also help smaller choirs to do their assignments. Among them will be St Theresia Choir (Santher)... EXULTATE and Santher Choir will sing on Sunday 11 October at 7.00 in the Cathedral.

Some people have suggested EXULTATE get involved in helping other choirs, especially from Catholic neighbourhoods (lingkungan-lingkungan) so that EXULTATE and other "koor lingkungan" can learn from each other.

Monday 28 September 2009

I have not been active for a few months... not because of lack of ideas to write, but because of so many jobs to do in my office and business. Since June 2009 Exultate has done a lot of things, trying to be active to take part in liturgical activities here and there. Here I write about some events and people that deserve being remembered.

Some members have decided not to be active again in Exultate Choir. I can write some names here: Br. Efan BM moved to Desa Putera; Mbak Herin joined her husband to live abroad; Mbak Nat has not been active as she is busily looking after her daughter; Mbak Wiwid has been active in KKMK; Mas Tingtung comes here and then as he is busy with his business; Pak Rudi Gani and Ibu Rudi Gani are active in Sukasari Paris; and Raymund has never said anything about his departure, and Mbak Andang who has decided to leave everyone to have her new life ...

Mbak Rina has given a new touch to Exultate so that Exultate can now sing some rather difficult songs such as "Behold the Lamb of God" (GF Handel), The Majesty And Glory Of His Name, and others. With more difficult songs and challenges, Exultate will be better. I hope Mbak Rina, despite her busy activities, will continue to support Exultate.

Exultate has so far been active at BMV Parish Choir. Mas Gago and Pak Simon join the bass; Mbak Ika, Maxi, Bu Cisca, Bu Husodo, Mbak Ambar join the Sopranos; Thomas joins the Tenors; Bu Heri, Mbak Lia, Bu Evie and Bu Sianturi join the Altos... Unfortunately some members decided not to be active in BMV Choir because they are too busy to do it.

Mbak Mira from Ciomas joins Exultate. She is an organist, just like Sheila. However she cannot be so active yet as she often has to help some other choirs to serve in churches. Her presence in Exultate can be good for our choir as Sheila will not be alone...

Thursday 25 June 2009


There have been some activities and assignments done by Exultate, which are not written here in this blog. Regular practices, for example, are still conducted every Saturday from 19.00 to 20.15. Monthly tasks are done without any delay or cancellation. We have also sung in matrimony services.

Let me write some things that are worth note-taking:

Our practice time is very limited, only 75 minutes. This is because BMV Choir (which I chair) uses the Cathedral for practices at 20.15-21.30. For Exultate, the time is far from enough. I think BMV Choir must find other time to practice.

I notice that there is “fresh blood” in Exultate. Mbak Rina can now train more difficult songs, such as The Majesty and the Glory of His Name. This gives more spirit to all members.

There is also “new ammunition”: Mbak Mira, organist from Ciomas, has just joined Exultate. She is an experienced organist; so, believe she can contribute more for Exultate. When Sheila cannot perform because of her busy activities, there is someone else who can take over. I dream that Exultate will have more than 5 organist. Sheila can guide them…

There have been some requests to sing for wedding and other assignments. I hope that Exultate will be able to do the best for the greater glory of God.

Friday 19 June 2009


Exultate Choir will have to sing on Sunday, 21 June 2009 at 9.00 for a holy matrimony Eucharist held at Regina Pacis Chapel Bogor. The marriage will be between Rr. Retno Wulandari and Kornelius Septyo Pramudito. Kornelius is Ibu Husodo's nephew. Mbak Rina will lead the assignment and Sheila will play the organ.

The songs that Exultate has prepared include:
1. Berserah Setya
2. Kyrie/Korman
3. Kasih
4. Berkatilah
5. Kupersembahkan Diri dan Hidupku
6. Sanctus/Korman
7. Agnus Dei/Korman
8. The Majesty and Glory of His Name
9. Ave Maria/Schubert
10. From This Moment (non liturgical song; sung outside the liturgy)

Wednesday 10 June 2009


From 20 April 2009 to yesterday I could not post any writing in this blog... I could not open my email either... I had a problem with my password. Someone might have tried to open my email with other passwords... so when I wanted to open my email account, Google asked me to answer a helping question... The problem was that I failed to answer it... I lost one letter... and only yesterday did I find the correct answer (I spent one hour to try again and again...).

It was a very disappointing period that I could not open my own email and blog...

But I am very happy today as I can open my own email account and blog... so that I can communicate with you again.

Hi, everyone.... I am back... I will write more in the coming days...

Sunday 19 April 2009


Hello everyone...

It's been more than a month that I could not open my blog... there has been a problem with my email account password. Eventually I can manage the problems.

I have missed a lot of stories to tell here.... Too many stories to write here... Well, let me write some things that I still remember.

First... Assignment on Palm Sunday.
I cannot say that it was a success. Not at all... There were some problems that made the choir assignment unable to be done well. We found that the sound system did not reach us when we entered the church... during the procession. When we reached the choir bench, we still heard some songs sung by Pak Susilo and Pak Simon, but it did not sound loud... I was confused.. whether or not to continue singing with another song. Next time... it will be good if the choir sings 1-3 verses, then we stop the song and change to another song.

Second... Good Friday
Exultate had to sing at St Fransiskus Sukasari Church at 18.00. In general it ran well. For the first time in this church, the songs were sung without musical instruments... a capella. I think we could do it. Mas Susilo, Mas Gago and Mas Tingtung performed the Passio well... The problem happended because we lacked enough practice before.

Third... Easter Eve
Some Exultate members joined the BMV Parish Choir... We did. Pak Marhadi and I directed the choir. There was a problem as Mas Markus Herli could not join us as he had to sing in Cibinong parish. I had to sing two responsorial psalms; the other one was sung by Mbak Rina. BMV Choir could also sing "And the Glory of the Lord".

Fourth... Easter Sunday
Some members helped St Theresia BRP Choir to sing at 7-o'clock mass. The day before, Mas Gago, drg Cisca, dr Ika, Mbak Lia, Bu Evie and Bu Heri had joined the practice at Pak Totok's house in Bogor Raya Permai. Pak Simon did not join the practice on Saturday as he was not fit, but on Sunday, he joined and gave great help.

Well, it is good again to wish you all: HAPPY EASTER...

Tuesday 10 March 2009


Fasts have a tendency to be oriented toward things like giving up food or television. But there are many other creative ways we can welcome Jesus' healing touch. Here are suggestions you may want to consider.

1. Fast from anger and hatred. Give your family an extra dose of love each day.

2. Fast from judging others. Before making any judgments, recall how Jesus overlooks our faults.

3. Fast from discouragement. Hold on to Jesus' promise that He has a perfect plan for your life.

4. Fast from complaining. When you find yourself about to complain, close your eyes and recall some of the little moments of joy Jesus has given you.

5. Fast from resentment or bitterness!. Work on forgiving those who may have hurt you.

6. Fast from spending too much money. Try to reduce your spending by ten percent and give those savings to the poor.

Please forward this to as many as possible and surely, you will be blessed abundantly.
Wishing you all Peace, Love, and Happiness during Lent.
SMILE – Jesus Loves You!

(PS. I got the good reading above from Mrs Evie Sinaulan through email. Thanks, Bu Evie for the email. God bless you. )
Thomas A. Sutadi

Friday 27 February 2009


Minggu Prapaskah V /Th. B
Minggu, 29 Maret 2008 Pk. 9.00 di Katedral BMV

1. Pembuka PS. 479 Hamba-Hamba-Mu Berhimpun (unisono)
2. Kyrie PS. 339 Kyrie
3. Mazmur Tanggapan PS. 811 Karna Belas Kasih-Mu
4. Bait Pengantar Injil PS. 965 Terpujilah Kristus Tuhan
5. Persembahan PS. 486 Ya Tuhan, Engkau Sumber Air Hayat (unisono)
6. Sanctus PS. 385 Sanctus
7. Anamnesis TPE Marilah menyatakan… (Anamnesis 2)
8. Pater Noster TPE Bapa Kami
9. Pemecahan Roti PS. 406 Agnus Dei
10. Komuni 1 teks Tuhan Gembalaku
11. Komuni 2 MB. 403 Kamulah Sahabat-sahabat-Ku
12. Madah Syukur PS. 483 O Yesus, Putra Bapa
13. Penutup PS. 715 Jikalau Gandum (arr. MB. …)

Minggu Palma/Minggu Sengsara / Tahun B
Minggu, 5 April 2009 Pk. 9.00 di Katedral BMV

a. Pembuka Perarakan PS. 491 Hosanna Putra Daud
b. Perarakan 1 PS. 493 Hormat Puji dan Sembah
c. Perarakan 2 MB. … Di Kala Yesus disambut di kota Yerusalem

1. Pembuka Ekaristi PS. 479 Hamba-Hamba-Mu Berhimpun
2. Kyrie PS. 339 Kyrie
3. Mazmur Tanggapan
4. Bait Pengantar Injil PS. 965 Terpujilah Kristus Tuhan
5. Persembahan MB. 365 Karna Belas Kasih-Mu (PS. 811)
6. Sanctus PS. 385 Sanctus
7. Anamnesis TPE
8. Pater Noster TPE Bapa Kami
9. Pemecahan Roti PS. 406 Agnus Dei
10. Persiapan Komuni -
11. Komuni 1 MB. 403 Kamulah Sahabat-sahabat-Ku
12. Komuni 2 PS. 605 Dengarlah, ya Tuhan
13. Madah Syukur PS. 483 O Yesus, Putra Bapa
14. Penutup PS. 487 Golgota, Tempat Tuhanku Disalib

Jumat Agung dalam Pekan Suci / Tahun Liturgi B
Jumat,10 April 2009 Pk. 18.00 di Gereja St. Fransiskus Sukasari

1. Mazmur Tanggapan PS. 820 Ya Bapa, ke dalam Tangan-Mu
2. Bait Pengantar Injil PS. 966 Terpujilah Kristus Tuhan
3. Kisah Sengsara teks Kisah Sengsara
4. Selingan 1 PS. 507 Hai Umat, apa Salah-Ku (Bait 1-2)
5. Selingan 2 PS. 480 Mari Kita Merenungkan (Bait 1, 3-4)
6. Selingan 3 PS. 485 O Yesusku
7. Doa Umat meriah PLPS hal. 54-58 Marilah Kita Mohon
8. Penghormatan Salib PLPS hal. 58-59 Lihat kayu salib
9. Iringan 1 PS. 489 Yesus, Tuhanku, Mana Cahaya-Mu? (MB. 380)
10. Iringan 2 MB. 405 Kasih Yang Paling Agung
11. Iringan 3 PS. 508 O Salib Tanda Agung (MB. 413)
12. Persiapan Komuni PS. 483 O Yesus, Putra Bapa
13. Pater Noster TPE Bapa Kami
14. Komuni 1 teks Ego Sum Panis Vivus (a capella)
15. Komuni 2 teks Tuhan Gembalaku
16. Madah Syukur PS. 512 Salib di Puncak Golgota


From Wednesday 25 February to 11 April 2009 Catholics join pre-Easter religious activities. We started the Lent… moment to do fasting and abstaining

Fasting on Wednesday 25 February and Friday 10 April means that you only eat full once a day… much lighter than other religious followers’ fasting. Abstaining means you avoid certain things that you most love or often do… they could be food, spices, meat, cigarettes, beer, snacks, being angry easily, being lazy, etc.

There are three things suggested we do during pre-Easter period:
a. Praying
b. Alms giving
c. Fasting and Abstaining

The money that we do not use to buy food and other things we are abstain from can be given for charity… give it through APP envelopes that our Catholic neighbourhood head gives to us.

I attended Ash Wednesday Eucharist on Wednesday 25 February at 19.30 at the Cathedral. The Eucharist was led by Father Alfons Sebatu, Father Sutanto and Father Tri Harjono. Father Alfons said in his sermon that Lent is like the moment when we take our car to the garage to check the engine and other parts… it is like a moment when you go to the doctor regularly to have your health checked up… It is a moment to sharpen our heart… to check and clean our soul… to fix things inside our life… so that we can continue our journey…

St Caecilia Choir sang Eucharist songs … Pak Marhadi and Mbak Myrna performed so well that all choir members could sing beautifully… I hope Exultate can also perform well like that… in the future…

Happy fasting and abstaining… Prepare yourself for Easter.

Monday 16 February 2009


After praying for Raymund Genty Laras's health and joining in happiness for his recovery, Exultate joins dr Ika to pray for her father who is still hospitalised for a stroke. He has been at Salak Hospital since Sunday 8 February. Indeed we are concerned about his condition... and we hope he will recover soon. May dr Ika and her family keep fit and strong...


There was only one assignment in February 2009. It was on Saturday 7 February 2009 at 9.00 at the Cathedral. We sang on a holy matrimony mass. There were only one fourth of Exultate members who could sing... most of us failed to come as some of us still had to work, go out of town or got sick. Somehow, we could sing well... softly... Thanks to Sheila and Mbak Rina who made the assignment run well. Thanks to others as well.


Wednesday 21 January 2009


Sunday, 18 January 2008 at 13.00 in the Cathedral.

Theresia Cynthia Rozyanda Asi, daughter of Ibu Francisca Elias (drg Cisca) and Bapak Eka, married FX. Rodo Tua Hasiholan Sitohang, son of Bapak and Ibu D. Sitohang.

The liturgy of Sacrament and the Eucharist were led by Father Thomas Slamet Riyadi from Ciluar Parish. The church was almost full of family members and their friends and colleagues. Exultate joined the happines by singing the liturgical songs...

The mass was preceeded by a song “Rahmat Kasih Perkawinan” (MB 1001). To accompany the bride and the groom when they entered the church, Sheila played the instrument “The Wedding”. For the offering procession, there was a Batak traditional musical instrument prepared by Rodo’s family.

In general the mass ran smoothly... and the songs were sung well... except when Father Thomas sang the doxology ... he sang differently from the common musical note... and this created confusion to everyone when we sang “Amen..."

The biggest surprise came from Father Thomas when he sang “From This Moment” during the signing of the church documents. His voice was terrific... and the way he sang was excellent.

We found that the liturgical service was a solemn... merry... happy one... It was a really happy moment...

For Exultate, the most unforgettable thing is the choir uniform... The new uniform we were wearing during the mass were given by Ibu Cisca... Thank you very much, doctor Cisca. Congratulations to Cynthia, Rodo, Ibu Cisca, Pak Eka and all their family members.

Wednesday 7 January 2009


Natalia Widiasari, one of our soprano members and wife of Mas Domi, gave birth to a baby girl, who was then given a name Angela Kiana Aninditha on 4 January 2009 at 23:49. The new-born cute “angel” baby weighed 3.2kg and was 49cm long. Congratulations to Mbak Nat and Mas Domi.


11 Januay 2009 at 7.00, Cathedral BMV

1. Pembuka:PS. 591 T'lah Kutemukan Dasar Kuat
2. Kyrie:PS. 342 Kyrie (de Angelis)
3. Gloria:PS. 343 Gloria (de Angelis)
4. Mazmur Tanggapan: PS. 864 Tuhan, Dikaulah Sumber Air Hidup
5. Bait Pengantar Injil: PS. 961 Alleluya
6. Persembahan 1: PS. 424 Tuhan, Engkau Mencipta
7. Sanctus: PS. 387 Sanctus (de Angelis)
8. Anamnesis: TPE
9. Pater Noster: TPE
10. Pemecahan Roti: PS. 408 Agnus Dei (de Angelis)
11. Komuni 1: PS. 475 Wahai Sion, Nyanyilah
12. Komuni 2: PS. 425 Laksana Rusa
13. Madah Syukur: PS. 592 Syukur kepada-Mu, Tuhan
14. Penutup: PS. 594 Puji Syukur Bagi Tuhan

Sunday, 18 January2009 at 13.00, Cathedral BMV
Theresia Cynthia Rozyandra & F.X. Rodotua Hasiholan

0. Persiapan: MB. 1001 Rahmat Kasih Perkawinan
1. Perarakan/Pembuka: W.H. 1 Wedding Hymn/GF.Handel/Ar.P.Widyawan (instrumental)
2. Kyrie: teks "Kyrie Eleison"/JA. Korman
3. Mazmur Tanggapan
4. Bait Pengantar Injil Alleluya
5. Doa restu/sungkem: teks "Berkatilah"
6. Persembahan: instrumental/Batak
7. Santus: teks "Sanctus"/JA. Korman
8. Pater noster: PS. 404 Bapa Kami (Gregorian)
9. Agnus Dei: teks "Agnus Dei"/JA Korman
10. Komuni: teks "Ave Verum"/W.A. Mozart
11. Madah Syukur: teks "Ubi Caritas"/Taize (fakultatif)
12. Ave Maria: teks "Ave Maria" / H. Cuypers
13. Tanda Tangan: teks "Caro Mio Ben"
14. Penutup/Perutusan: MB. 71 "Semoga Dikau Bahagia"

25 January 2009 at 7.00, Cathedral BMV

1. Persiapan: -
2. Pembuka: PS. 329 Ya Tuhan, Pandang Hamba-Mu
3. Kyrie: PS. 342 Kyrie (de Angelis)
4. Gloria: PS. 343 Gloria (de Angelis)
5. Mazmur Tanggapan: PS. 845 Tuhan Adalah Kasih Setia
6. Bait Pengantar Injil: PS. 962 Alleluya
7. Persembahan 1: PS. 690 Pada-Mu, Tuhan dan Allahku
8. Persembahan 2: -
9. Sanctus: PS. 387 Sanctus (de Angelis)
10. Anamnesis: TPE
11. Pater Noster: TPE
12. Pemecahan Roti: PS. 408 Agnus Dei (de Angelis)
13. Persiapan Komuni: teks "Choral" / Jesus Joy of Men's Desiring (instrumental)
14. Komuni 1: PS. 656 Tuhan Allah Gembalaku (arr. A.Soetanta SJ)
15. Komuni 2: PS. 425 Laksana Rusa
16. Madah Syukur: PS. 603 Curahkan Rahmat
17. Penutup: PS. 601 Kasihanilah Umat-Mu, Tuhan

Friday 2 January 2009


Exultate started 2009 by singing during the mass held on Thursday, 1 January 2009 at 8.00 at the Cathedral. It was a holy mass for St Mary Mother of God. Mbak Rina and Pak Ludo led the assignment.

The next assignments will be on Sunday, 11 January 2009, at 7.00 at the Cathedral (Feast of the Baptism of the Lord). Then on Sunday, 18 January 2009 at 13.00, Exultate has to sing at the holy matrimony Eucharist at the Cathedral (for Cynthia –dr Cysca’s daughter-- and Rodo). The last assignment in January 2009 will be on Sunday 25 January 2009 at 7.00 at the Cathedral (Ordinary Sunday III). So, there are 4 assignments altogether in January 2009.

We hope that Exultate will be able to serve well in 2009. We also hope to have more members to join... Viva Exultate.


Exultate did not get a special assignment for Christmas celebrations in 2008 as most members took part in BMV Parish Choir for the assignment on 24 December 2008. Still, Exultate had to sing on 31 December 2008 at 18.00 at the Cathedral. To Exultate’s surprise, the year-end Eucharist was led by Bogor Bishop Mgr Michael Cosmas Angkur OFM and BMV parish pastors including the Vicaris General and Parish Pastor RD. Benyamin Sudarto, and other pastors such as RD. Monang Damanik, RD. D.S. Tukiyo, RD. Alfons Sebatu and RD. Frans Mulyadi. Mbak Rina became our condutor and Pak Ludo sang the psalm. At first we thought that there would be a few Exultate members who could sing in the Eucharist, but it turned out that more members joined as they had finished their year-end holidays. The church was full, even many people had to sit outside. The weather outside was good... We closed 2008 with cheerful heart and great hope for the best in 2009.


On Wednesday, 24 December 2008, at 17.00-19.00, Exultate took part in the assignment of BMV Parish Choir for the Chrismas Eve Eucharist at the Cathedral. The Eucharist was led by Bogor Bishop Mgr Michael Cosmas Angkur OFM. As usual the choir was led by Pak Marhadi and me. The organist was Mbak Myrna. The proclamation (Maklumat) and the Psalm were sung by Mas Markus. For the ordinarium, Misa Brevis was still used. The Eucharist ran well... Merry Christmas...
Better late than never...
I would like to wish you all,
Exultate members and your family,
and Exultate’s blog readers,
a Merry Christmas 2008
a Happy New Year 2009.

May Jesus always live in you and among us...
to guide, bless and accompany you everytime and everywhere...